Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Monster Pick***MFLI***

Muscle Flex Inc (MFLI) has the potential to be our biggest pick ever! MFLI is a specialty marketing firm focused on bringing new health and fitness related products to market. The company is developing infomercials to directly market it's products to consumers.
The first three products scheduled to launch in the second half of 2009 are inexpensively priced personal health and safety products.In early 2010 , the company plans to launch the Muscle Flex product, a revoloutionary in-home fitness unit that combines cardio,strength training and flexibility into one product.
The Muscle Flex product has the potential to be a massive success. Do to the products unique capacity of providing all three(strength,cardio and flexibility),it is called the "Natural Fountain of Youth".
There have been huge fortunes made in selling health and workout products directly to consumers. The "Total Gym" that is endorsed by Chuck Norris has sold over $1 billion of product and the "Bo-Flex" machine has many billions in revenues. If MFLI can acomplish only 5% of what the Total Gym or Bo-Flex have done we will have an AMAZING WINNER!!!!!.
The highly respected research firm of "Grass Roots Research and Distribution,Inc." has recently published a detailed research report on MFLI in which it puts a short term target on the stock at $0.22 a share and a longer term target at $1.50 a share. Yes that is correct ,a highly respected analyst believes this stock could go up 100 fold in VALUE!!!
I do not think there is anything else that needs to be said.
Please do your homework quickly on MFLI. I think this will be an explosive situation.
To read the research report go to the website.
For the MFLI website: www.MuscleFlexInc.com.
Happy Trading.
Mr. Liquid

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