Saturday, July 4, 2009

ESP Resources Inc. (ESPI.OB) - Higher Learning For A Higher Net Worth
Dear Students,

The Dean's 4th of July gift to all CollegeStock students is ESPI. It's referred to it as a gift because ESPI is at the absolute very beginning of what I believe could be the biggest penny stock marketing campaign of 2009.

I've been working tirelessly over the past few weeks to hand deliver a special situation stock like ESPI to all CollegeStock students on a silver platter ------------->

An Illiquid Stock With A Low Float At The Very Beginning Stages Of A Massive Penny Stock Marketing Campaign!

These are my favorites types of opportunities because historically speaking, whenever The Dean has been the 'first-in-line' to launch a substantial marketing campaign than the savviest students like Rajat, Joe, Brandon and Cliff always seem to book very healthy profits again and again

Expect detailed, continual coverage of ESPI throughout the entire month of July because in my opinion this high risk / high reward stock is all set to take a very wild ride.

ESP Resources Corp. (ESPI) is a technology based custom formulator of specialty chemicals for the agrichemical and energy industries.

offers production chemicals, drilling chemicals, waste remediation chemicals, cleaners and waste treatment chemicals including:
  • Surfactants that are highly effective in treating production and injection problems at the customer well-head.

  • Well completion and work-over chemicals that maximize productivity from new and existing wells. Bactericides that kill water borne bacterial growth, thus preventing corrosion and plugging of the customer well-head and flowline.

  • Scale compounds that prevent or treat scale deposits.

  • Corrosion inhibitors, which are organic compounds that form a protective film on metal surfaces to insulate the metal from its corrosive environment.

  • Antifoams that provide safe economic means of controlling foaming problems.

  • ESPI emulsion breakers, which are chemicals specially formulated for crude oils containing produced waters. Paraffin chemicals that inhibit and/or dissolve paraffin to prevent buildup. Their effectiveness is not diminished when used in conjunction with other chemicals.

  • Water Clarifiers that solve any and all of the problems associated with purifying effluent water, improve appearance, efficiency and productivity.
ESPI supplies specialty chemicals for a variety of oil field applications including separating suspended water and other contaminants from crude oil, pumping enhancement, and cleaning, as well as a variety of fluids and additives used in the drilling and production process.

The company has carved a unique niche into the petrochemicals industry by offering personalized solutions to oil production companies regardless of size, type or pressure rating. They create very specific custom chemical blends tailored to each unique client in order to maximize drilling and production well performance.

’s more specific mission is to provide applications of surface chemistry to service all facets of the fossil energy business via a high level of innovation. ESPI is focusing its efforts on solving problems in a highly complex integration of processes to achieve the highest level of quality petroleum output for its partners.

Not only does ESPI generate income from the sale of custom chemical blends, but they also have the potential to generate substantial monthly recurring revenues by delivering (and storing) these chemical blends in “day tanks”.

Once ESPI formulates a particular chemical blend, it is delivered and placed in service at the customer’s well-site location in a day tank. The tank is tied to a pressure pump that provides the pumping capacity to deliver the chemical into the wellhead for the customer.

This bait-and-hook business model is one of the most lucurative strategies on Earth- ESPI sells customized chemicals to oil producers for an up-front fee and also provides the necessary chemical storage and ongoing maintenance for day tanks in exchange for monthly recurring fees. An easy way to understand ESPI’s business model is to compare it to selling razor blades: Get A Useful Product Into Customers Hands And Collect Recurring Fees With Very High Profit Margins For Life.

’s unique process shortens the chemical development time frame from what might have been as long as two months or more to a few days or hours. The exceptional service, response times and chemical products that the ESPI team is able to provide its customers is a differentiating factor within the industry.

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