Saturday, September 12, 2009

VSMR is gaining worldwide attention !!

VSMR momentum is looking strong and could continue into Friday.

I have a lot of faith in a company that spends millions of dollars to develop something.

This is what VSMR did. They spent four years and millions of dollars to develop a solution to combat a problem that technology has created.

VSMR realizes that as convenient as it is to shop online it is also very dangerous.

With the increase of electronic transactions, the instances of fraud have increased exponentially.

ID theft and Credit/Debit card fraud has reached in excess of $56 Billion annually!

VSMR develops, operates and sells leading payment processing solutions to combat transaction fraud internationally.

VSMR's patent pending technology is garnering world wide attention!

VSMR's patent pending (PCT Approved) technology has been filed in 29 Countries based on strategic importance and wireless penetration rate.

One of the scariest things a person can experience is having their wallet lost or stolen. You immediately worry about who has your credit cards and your i.d.

This worry has spread to the online world where hackers have figured out ways to get your credit card and account information.

Just last month a computer hacker accused of masterminding one of the largest cases of identity theft in U.S. history agreed to plead guilty and serve up to 25 years in federal prison!

VSMR knows that security is one of the most important things people desire. When you're on the computer trying to buy something, you want to make sure you are safe in doing so.

If it weren't for companies like VSMR who are so concerned with your safety online, shopping on the internet would become obsolete.

VSMR's solution is pretty clever in my opinion.

The software operates through the use of a cellular phone for secured verification of monetary transactions.

VSMR's technology notifies the cardholder of the purchase through the cellular phone and empowers the cardholder to approve or decline his/her purchase.

The result is a guaranteed transaction and acceptance providing safety and security for the cardholder and merchant, a first in the industry and providing a level of security unprecedented in other Credit/Debit cards!

Click here to see how the process works:

VSMR is in a pretty big market.

Globally, the number of payment transactions and money transfers conducted online, electronically, or through Credit/Debit cards has increased dramatically in a very few short years.

In 2008, in excess of $10 Trillion was exchanged in various electronic forms across the world!

VSMR's solution could significantly decrease the amount of identity theft this world sees.

With more than 2 billion cell-phone subscribers worldwide and over a billion internet users, I believe the potential for VSMR's technology is just astounding!

More information on VSMR is available at:

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