Sunday, December 13, 2009

Skinvisible, Inc. (OTCBB: SKVI)-Think H1N1 is not severe? CDC STATISTIC: 12.3 Times the normal Flu Death Rate for Kids

Let’s get back to H1N1. We are all hearing mixed messages on the severity of the H1N1 breakout.

We all know one thing… none of us want to get. All of us want to do what it takes to make sure this

is one flu we avoid.

It is a killer flu. Look at this story on CNN:


CDC STATISTIC: 12.3 Times the Death Rate for Kids

Take it a step further and you will see that according to this CNN graphic with stats from the Center for Disease Control, the deaths for kids and flu is ALREADY 12.3 times normal. Flu season is NOT over. WINTER HAS NOT EVEN STARTED OFFICIALLY YET…

Skinvisible’s DermSafe offers four hour protection against viruses such a H1N1. Most hand sanitizers you use kill what is on your hand and then dry out your hand. It is even logical to assume that dry hands absorb more from the environment around you. Does that mean that you might be more apt to catch H1N1 when you shake a contaminated hand or open a contaminated door knob if you hand are dryer? Logic may say yes, but that is unproven.

What is proven is that DermSafe kills viruses such as H1N1 for up to four hours. You put it on your hands and you have some real confidence that you can avoid H1N1. Of course you can still get it airborn. You could still get it from food or other ways that bypass your hands. But a key way of getting any flu is to get your hands contaminated and to touch your face – eyes, nose or mouth.

The most recent release from Skinvisible shows that it will be marketed in Canada. READ IT HERE.


Anonymous said...

Yes, dry hands pose a much greater risk due to chafing and cracks. This allows pathogens a greater chance to enter the bloodstream through these cracks. With alcohol based sanitizers, the minute it evaporates you can begin to collect pathogens again. The beautiful thing about Dermsafe is it kills these pathogens (a variety of both viruses and bacteria) as you come into contact with them, for up to four hours, AND it keeps hands moisturized so dry cracks don't develop. I think this product will be a boon for professional daycares (where alcohol based is rarely allowed), gyms, home, and the healthcare setting (of which I am a part). Hopefully it will change the false belief that alcohol based sanitizers keep us safe nonstop throughout the day. The minute the alcohol evaporates and a child grabs a toy, and then puts their fingers towards their mouth, all bets are off...

Anonymous said...

Article: One MRSA Infection can Cost a Hospital $60,000

Dermsafe has been show to kill MRSA (Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus)for up to four hours...a bottle of Dermsafe should pay for itself pretty quick!