Sunday, November 8, 2009

Monday Could Turn $LUXE into Luxurious!!! - Higher Learning For A Higher Net Worth

Dear Students, After market close on Friday, $LUXE announced that the company's expectations for their West Central Alberta C project have been exceeded. The Dean believes this news is promising for $LUXE because it could lead to additional developments and acquisitions in this area of Canada.

The Dean also feels that $LUXE could see further developments in the B well in this area, which is expected to produce anywhere from 400,000 to 570,000 cubic feet of natural gas and the equivalent of 100 barrels of oil per day.

In a number of press releases over the past few months, $LUXE President Shane Broesky has suggested that the company is looking for properties that will produce a larger oil and gas output and more profits. The Dean believes $LUXE may have already found a potential territory for this type of development in Northern British Columbia, where 300 barrels of oil are said to be produced daily.

Another catalyst which could bring $LUXE potential trading volume and profits are other newsletters, such as, who released a report on $LUXE earlier this morning.

The Dean thinks others promoters and newsletters could be coming out to play and Friday's news has yet to be traded on with excitement.

This combination of factors leads The Dean to believe that Monday could bring luxurious $LUXE profits to the CollegeStock Community.

Happy Trading, The Dean *Never invest in a stock mentioned

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