Below are the top 10 Small Cap stocks with highest Return on Assets ratio (ROA) for the last 12 months. ROA shows a company's efficiency in making profits from its assets. It is equal to net profits divided by total assets. One Chinese company (CCME) is on the list.
San Juan Basin Royalty Trust (NYSE:SJT) has the 1st highest Return on Assets in this segment of the market. Its ROA was 371.76% for the last 12 months. Its Asset Turnover ratio (revenue divided by assets) was 3.81 for the same period. Mesabi Trust (NYSE:MSB) has the 2nd highest Return on Assets in this segment of the market. Its ROA was 289.22% for the last 12 months. Its Asset Turnover ratio (revenue divided by assets) was 2.97 for the same period. VirnetX Holding Corporation (AMEX:VHC) has the 3rd highest Return on Assets in this segment of the market. Its ROA was 98.69% for the last 12 months. Its Asset Turnover ratio (revenue divided by assets) was 0.00 for the same period. Ariad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ARIA) has the 4th highest Return on Assets in this segment of the market. Its ROA was 92.14% for the last 12 months. Its Asset Turnover ratio (revenue divided by assets) was 1.93 for the same period. Samson Oil & Gas Limited (ADR) (AMEX:SSN) has the 5th highest Return on Assets in this segment of the market. Its ROA was 90.08% for the last 12 months. Its Asset Turnover ratio (revenue divided by assets) was 0.11 for the same period.
MV Oil Trust (NYSE:MVO) has the 6th highest Return on Assets in this segment of the market. Its ROA was 83.87% for the last 12 months. Its Asset Turnover ratio (revenue divided by assets) was 0.86 for the same period. Pzena Investment Management, Inc. (NYSE:PZN) has the 7th highest Return on Assets in this segment of the market. Its ROA was 75.29% for the last 12 months. Its Asset Turnover ratio (revenue divided by assets) was 1.60 for the same period. China MediaExpress Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:CCME)has the 8th highest Return on Assets in this segment of the market. Its ROA was 60.98% for the last 12 months. Its Asset Turnover ratio (revenue divided by assets) was 1.24 for the same period. Houston American Energy Corporation (NASDAQ:HUSA) has the 9th highest Return on Assets in this segment of the market. Its ROA was 46.97% for the last 12 months. Its Asset Turnover ratio (revenue divided by assets) was 0.44 for the same period. Financial Engines Inc (NASDAQ:FNGN) has the 10th highest Return on Assets in this segment of the market. Its ROA was 46.07% for the last 12 months. Its Asset Turnover ratio (revenue divided by assets) was 0.81 for the same period.
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