Medisafe 1 Technologies is set to move higher on 2 blockbuster announcements
A Leading $18B Global Medical Technology Giant is exploring a possible Business Collaboration with MFTH...
A Leading $18B Global Medical Technology Giant is exploring a possible Business Collaboration with MFTH...
A European based Investment House made an unsolicited buyout offer that’s more than double the current price!!!
A European based Investment House made an unsolicited buyout offer that’s more than double the current price!!!
Now, if just one of those two scenarios becomes reality, we have a huge winner on our hands. Yet, these are just the 2 of the latest reasons why Medisafe 1 Technologies(OTCBB: MFTH) is an outstanding value, but that may be thinking small, because if the Company only captures a tiny portion of its market this could our next 2,500% gainer.
There are very compelling arguments as to why this stock could soon be headed from penny land to nearly $4/share, or maybe more in a takeover, and we already know thatMFTH is already a takeover target!
The potential annual market for Medisafe 1 Technologies’ products is in the BILLIONS, and that’s just in the US .
The two huge announcements confirm that Medisafe is making the right kind of moves that should propel the stock to higher levels. However, if MFTH hits its announced revenue goals and runs at a profitability ratio of only 75%, which is probably on the low side considering their model, we should be looking at a $3.75 stock soon ($7.5M earnings/50M Outstanding Shares X 25 P/E). That’s about a 2,500% gain from here!!!
We’re talking about realistic numbers. The $3.75 valuation is based on only $12M in annual sales, a tiny fraction of the potential market. Plus, Medisafe 1 Technologies’ products are easy to incorporate/use and this is a product that is way more cost effective than skyrocketing insurance premiums.
These are just a few of the reasons why MFTH could easily go to $4 a share!
Hospital budgets are being stretched like never before and some of the cuts the administrators make put even more pressure on the already overloaded staff, which only compounds the problems, so solutions that effectively reduce expenses and improve patient care are worth a fortune.
Medisafe 1 Technologies’ game changing technology seems destined to revolutionize hospital patient treatment and makes it a certain buyout target.
MFTH could surge 2500% in just a few weeks, on commercialization news.
Becton, Dickenson already has a solid distribution network of hospitals around the world and a product that could help its clients prevent the potential loss of billions of dollars annually from accidental unauthorized administration of prescription medications should be an automatic sale.
MFTH can potentially improve the lives of thousands of patients annually, while saving hospitals billions a year, which could translate to millions in profits for early investors. Thanks to the current low share price, Medisafe 1 Technologies’ market cap is less than their recent revenue projections and with the Company’s high profit margin business model and tight share structure, this looks poised to take off.
Watch for lighting fast gains.
Investors love medical technology-related stocks, because they’re famous for rocketing up on the slightest positive news. However, the key to participating in the massive gainers is toget in at the right time.
Due to the exciting new Company developments, solid products and aggressive management; NOW is the right time for MFTH.
This is a Gigantic Market Opportunity
Throughout the globe, medication errors are an all too common occurrence, and, in the US alone, there is at least one medication error per hospital patient per day, according to theInstitute of Medicine .
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s (AHRQ) 2001 report stated that over 770,000 people are injured or die each year in hospitals from adverse drug events, while FDA estimates are even higher. The AHRQ report cited a variety of studies, which show that up to 95% of adverse drug events could be prevented by reducing medication errors, through the use of technology-based or computerized monitoring systems.
The direct annual cost of preventable drug-related mortality and morbidity is $177.4 billion, according to Ernst and Grizzle’s 2002 estimates, and drug-related hospital admissions account for much of the cost.
The Medical Community Demands Better...
This Multi Billion Dollar Market could make you a fortune!
Even a fraction of this market could send MFTH shares flying.
Medication errors occur in about 1 of every 5 doses given in hospitals and can be caused by incorrect diagnosis, prescription errors, drug related reactions, dose miscalculations, incorrect drug administration and lack of patient education, as well as job-related stress, improper training or education and sound-alike look-alike medication packaging.
In addition to the medical repercussions, victims of preventable drug-related injuries sufferpermanent disabilities, extended hospital stays, longer recoveries, and even additional treatments.
Unfortunately, according to the Institute of Medicine ’s report “To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System”, the preventable drug-related injury and death rate is increasing. Inpatient medication errors showed an alarming 2.57 fold increase from1983 to 1993, but that’s nothing compared to the nearly 8 fold increase in outpatient medication errors.
It is widely accepted that the majority of medical errors are not the result of reckless behavior on the part of health care providers, but occur as a result of the speed and complexity of the medication–use cycle.
Dispensing errors include incorrect strength or product, as well as errors of omission (drug erroneously not administered). An analysis published in 2003 showed that the most common types of medication error were improper dose administration 41%, incorrect drug 19% and erroneous administration method 10%.
Injectable medications are particularly vulnerable to error, for a number of reasons ranging from the complex calculations involved, such as converting a dose risk associated with preparation of injectable products in clinical areas, to the nonstandard handling/special precautions (inline filter, light protection, incompatibilities) required. A recent study of intravenous drug administration suggested an error rate of 50% in either the preparation of the drug or its administration.
It's time to make money on MFTH!
Hospitals are scrambling to identify technologies that reduce their exposure to substantial legal claims and negative media coverage. The FDA and other regulators have focused on the issue, driving the development of various technology-based solutions, including Barcoding Point of Care (BPOC) systems which aim to ensure patients receive the right drug via the right dose and right route of administration to the right patient at the right time. However, it must be emphasized that the BPOC provides information to the care giver, but does not physically prevent the incorrect medicine from being administered to the patientand, therefore, it’s prone to human error.
The annual addressable market in the US alone is estimated at $1.4 billion for the syringe system and $1.7 billion for blood transfusion/infusion. Including the other products the global addressable market for items based on the Medisafe patented technology is over $5 billion, so the Company’s revenue expectations may be way too conservative.
NOW is the time to add this hot medical device stock to your portfolio
It’s rare to find a medical device company with a potential blockbuster product that has such a low capital requirements. Plus, the stock is near its lowest price ever, a low risk entry point.
Medisafe’s patented protector device incorporates a locking mechanism to ensure the substance cannot be released from the hypodermic needle, or other distribution methods, without prior patient bar code confirmation. The technology is compatible with transfusion, drug and drug storage, as well.
You do not want to be on the sidelines as MFTH’s story unfolds because early shareholders stand to make the largest gains
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