Take a look at the chart: http://bigcharts.marketwatch.com/quickchart/quickchart.asp?symb=aogn
AOGN is positioning itself to become the domestic oil and natural gas producer of choice!
Avalon Oil and Gas is in the process of some major projects and develops that could make it a big winner in the industry.
Avalon Oil & Gas, Inc., announces it has completed the first phase of the workover of the Baxterville Field Prospect in Lamar County, Mississippi.
Also, recently Avalon Oil & Gas, Inc., announced that it plans to begin a workover of the Moody 31-9 #5 property in Lamar County, Mississippi.
In the late 1990’s, in the wake of the Asian economic downturn, oil prices sank to $10.00 per barrel.
The global economy has rebounded in the new millennium. Demand for crude oil, natural gas and petroleum based products has soared in the United States, China and India.
AOGN could be positioning itself for a major BREAKOUT...
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