Monday, June 21, 2010

Could ABHI be bought out like Netgear or Linksys

Look around, everything is wireless or using Bluetooth, so to have one of the leading wireless peripheral companies recently go public is like finding a needle in a haystack!
ABHI is coming off a low and way off from its high and may bounce back strong!  I won't be surprised to see it test highs again.
Global medical device companies that include Cardinal Health/Carefusion, Siemens, and Draeger and Roche are getting ABHI's medical device OEM modules!

Cardinal Health trades around $35 a share!

Recently ABHI received a $1.1 million purchase order from a client.

A huge purchase order like this combined with the fact that ABHI's products are already being sold at major stores equals the real deal!

ABHI's products are sold at Fry's, HP, Dell, Comp USA, Staples, and even and!

You may even own an ABHI product yourself.

Headquartered in San Jose, California, ABHI was even selected for the 2008 Best of San Jose Award in the Computer Networking category by the U.S. Local Business Association!

The U.S. Local Business Association "Best of Local Business" Award Program recognizes outstanding local businesses throughout the country.

According to an ABI Research study, industry expert expect the wireless medical device and module category to be one of the fastest growing categories within the medical industry, growing at approximately 57.8% per year through 2011.

This is no surprise considering the health care industry is a trillion dollar industry annually.

The future of healthcare is said to be a wireless one.

Imagine being able to send your blood pressure or blood sugar results through a small wireless transmitter to your doctor!

With a world where diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol is prevalent, this technology could be very critical.

By early 2012, Americans will use about 15 million wireless health-monitoring devices, according to a forecast from ABI Research!
Wireless technology enables us to do things faster and better. When you incorporate this into the medical world, the benefits are staggering.

Data cannot be slow paper work. Running to filing cabinets to get a patient's records wastes a lot of critical time.

With the demand for healthcare expected to rise, the need for ABHI's products could be monumental.

During the past 20 years there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States.

Diabetes is prevalent across the U.S.! There are 23.6 million people in the United States, or 8% of the population, who have diabetes.

Obesity and a growing population of Baby Boomers are making the demand for healthcare grow at an exponential rate.

According to World Health Organization, the proportion 60 years old or above is projected to grow from 10% in 2005 to 21% by 2050!

Brian Dolan, editor and co-founder of said, "This is the year that wireless health services will break out into the consumer market. I wouldn't say that we're going to see mass adoption this year, but there's going to be an introduction of wireless health to the masses."

ABHI's wireless modules and devices are based on the Company's innovative application software for both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technologies.

The new $1.1 million purchase order from a major client is for ABHI's Wi-Fi solution to be used in infusion pumps for North American customers.

The smart infusion technology, which has been developed by the major global corporations, relies on wireless capability to dramatically reduce medication errors and allow health care workers to continually monitor their patients' drug usage, thereby helping to ensure patient safety.

The international market also utilizes ABHI's wireless solution and is scheduled to be shipped to major hospitals and clinics in second quarter of this year!

Dr. Louis Wong, developer of the integrated circuit for the first totally implantable cochlear implant, and a veteran in the medical device technology industry, was named an advisor to the company.

Wong has many contacts in the industry, providing marketing strategies and other activities where his experience and expertise can be valuable to ABHI's growth.
ABHI CEO John Hwang commented, "We are very pleased that Dr. Wong has agreed to become an advisor to the company. His more than a decade of experience in developing and marketing new medical technologies will be particularly valuable as we continue our growth.
For more information on ABHI visit their website at:

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