Tuesday, June 8, 2010

3 Ways to Profit From the Euro Zone Crisis

The euro zone debt crisis rocked the U.S. markets, and while things have seemed a little quieter lately, don't be fooled -- Europe is reeling, and will be for quite some time. In book, Sell Short: A Simpler, Safer Way to Profit When Stocks Go Down, is a chapter on how to short a country. Maybe I should have written one on how to short a continent.

Germans retiring at age 67 on half pay are angry about being asked to pay higher taxes to bail out Greeks retiring at age 50 on full pay -- and with much better weather and beaches to spend their time and money. The euro is falling due to a lack of confidence that governments can trim deficits and roll over gigantic debts, or, if they can, that the fiscal contraction will lead to a savage recession. Not to mention that many European banks are insolvent by U.S. standards.

In short, things are not looking good. So I'm going to give you three ways to turn Europe's pain into your gain.

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