Thursday, May 6, 2010

PSP Alert - MNLU - Breaking News

I know MNLU has dipped a bit in the last few days, but I'm strongly recommending members consider holding it for the next few weeks (at a bare minimum) to see how these new developments play out. You might even want to consider MNLU for the very long term, over the next few years.

Here's why:
Every once and a while there is a 'diamond in the rough' that not only can be played for short term gains, but has incredible long-term potential as well.
I think MNLU could be one of those stocks where the payoff could be enormous.
I've included a link below to a special report that I am urging all members to read in it's entirety because it contains some unbelievable news that many people still do not know about MNLU.
Key things I'd like to point out that this report covers:

  • 500% revenue growth expected by the end of 2010
  • Summer price target of $5.80 a share
  • Guggenheim Partners just announced it is backing Mainland with $40 Million ( If you don't know about Guggenheim, trust me, this is HUGE for MNLU!)
  • 2 Kennedy's joined Mainlands advisory board last month ( one of which is active in the Kennedy family investment advisory board!)
  • 28 Million in Cash to fund drilling starting in the next 30 - 60 days and 40 Million more secured by Guggenheim!
  • MNLU is already producing 3 million cubic feet of gas from their first well, and 7.6 million from their second. This is not a start up company. They are already producing, and they are at the tip of the iceburg! The potential is 2.5 TRILLION CUBIC FEET!
  • The Chevron discovery in Mississippi which MNLU plans to commence drilling on this year! (make sure you read this part!) Chevron documented in 1981 that 2.5 Trillion tons of natural gas existed, but the technology to extract it just wasn't there. Mainland now has the technology and the money to access this region! The are starting drilling in 30 - 60 days!
I'm letting all of us know about this, because I know how rare it is to find a company like this, that not only has incredible potential, its all documented. The natural gas is there, and now the investment dollars to access it are there as well!

There is a reason Guggenheim partners is behind this! There is a reason the Kennedy family is a part of this.
I just think this is one of those stocks that PSP members should just tuck away for a while and watch what happens with it.
This may be one to put in our portfolio for the long term.
I'm hearing that MNLU should be releasing more numbers in June, regarding the full potential of what the companies plans are for the rest of the year.
At a bare minimum we need to keep MNLU on our radar. While we're waiting for MNLU to develop, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a quick gainer that we can capitalize on. I've got a couple that look ready, I just need to do a little more research before making it official.

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