Thursday, May 6, 2010

GEVI could easily triple

GEM Logo

General Environmental ManagementThe volume is just picking up and we know prc always follows

I just started featuring this winner and GEVI has lots more upside. I hope you’re fortunate enough to pick this up on future pullbacks, but keep in mind that more and more investors are going to find out that, at these levels, this is very cheap, when it should be around $1.60, which would put it at 2.0 X book value. Go read the filings!

Turn $5,000 into over $25,000 of PURE Prfts

The company just completely restructured itself to become a Prfit. center for years to come.

Keep an eye out for my next GEVI alerts, because as compelling as the undervalue play is, I think that you’re going to like the details of its business model and core competencies even more.

As GEVI starts getting more coverage, look for my readers to make out huge

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