Often times, it takes the combination of a good idea and good timing to create a success. Such a time may be here for alternative fuel and specifically electric vehicles.
Most of the time headlines related to the aforementioned are dominated by vehicle makers or efficiency gadgets, new ideas that promise better or greener. It is not so often that you hear of a company that boldly intends to help bring the best of those ideas to market in a big way, to offer a superstore of sorts of green vehicle technology for a public that is increasingly saying that the time has come for this breed of vehicle.
Enter EVCARCO (OTCBB:EVCA), the first automotive retail group dedicated to deploying a coast-to-coast network of eco-friendly dealerships and vehicles. EVCA is bringing to market the most advanced clean technologies available in plug-in electric, pre-owned hybrids, hydrogen fuel injection, and alternative fuel vehicles. EVCA is developing a dealer network allowing growth into most US States by 2012.
With a flagship dealership to be built in Texas and strong relationships with leaders in the green automotive field, EVCARCO is intent on bringing these vehicles to your neck of the woods. Imagine one location with new and pre-owned cars to choose from, a variety of models serving the interest of the citizen who wants to go green. This is their business plan.
And in true automotive dealership fashion, the company has found their attention-getter in the form of an agreement with Venta Inc. to be the first Tazzari Dealership in North America. The Tazzari, as you can see in the link below, is the first Italian all electric vehicle and is loaded with unique features.
With Tazzari at the foreftont, EVCA appears to be off to fast start targeting a national market.
A New Kind of Car Company
For 20 years, EVCARCO CEO Dale Long has been conceiving a business model for a new kind of automobile dealership, one that could provide customers with quality eco-friendly vehicles and alternative fuel vehicles with an emphasis on performance, safety, affordability, and superior service.
In 2008, Mr. Long joined forces with Edouard Prous, Scott ONeal, and Nikolay Frolov and launched EVCARCO -- the first automotive retail group dedicated to deploying a coast-to-coast network of eco-friendly dealerships and vehicles.
In early 2009, under the guidance of an experienced, highly motivated management team EVCARCO filed its S1 with the Securities Exchange Commission and started the process of taking the company public. (Investor Information)
In the 3rd Quarter 2009, EVCARCO finalizes the first franchiable auto dealership that focused on alternative fueled vehicles, electric vehicles, and the supporting infrastructures. EVCARCO is making franchise opportunities available to everyone that wants to make a difference in the alternative vehicle industry.
EVCARCOs vehicles adhere to rigorous standards in performance, design, safety, and environmental responsibility. Based on a truly sustainable business model, EVCARCO furthers its mission by partnering with leading organizations, universities, local city governments and like-minded individuals. We plan to open showrooms in 20 new markets across America by 2012.
Keep Your Eye On The Market And Watch EVCA!
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