Thursday, July 1, 2010

LONDON Thursdays tips round-up: Hunting, Astra, Barclays

Hunting's broad global spread should insulate it against turbulence related to the crisis in the Gulf. And despite a multiple of 26 times 2010 forecasts, the shares are off 33 per cent since their March peak. The market is arguably over-emphasising Hunting's risk from the Gulf and overlooking improvements elsewhere, so buy, recommends the Independent.

Although the ruling on Crestor is a positive, the outlook for earnings growth makes Questor hesitate over buying into Astra. But, the potential for dividend growth means the drug maker is worth holding on to if you have already bought in, writes the Telegraph. The Independent also says hold.

The Times says the shares have the support of a progressive dividend policy, which in this case translates into the same or more for at least five years, which offers a yield at today’s price of well over 5 per cent. Astra is also planning a Ł1 billion share buyback this year. The shares are attractive for that yield. Longer-term, though, the questions remain.

With highly volatile credit markets in the last quarter, which lead to May being one of the worst month's on record for hedge funds, it is unlikely that a group as exposed to the currents of the global capital markets as Barclays will have come through entirely unscathed. Therefore it would be advisable to wait until half-yearly guidance from Barclays management before buying into the shares, says the Telegraph.

Northgate’s expected share price after the rights issue is 242.2p, so even allowing for dilution, the current price is a long way from fully taking account of the size of the new company. Not for the timid or those of limited means, but for members of the Cowdery fan club, the shares look worth having, recommends the Times

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